Agilitas - Walk With Confidence

Agilitas represents a new technologically advanced treatment for Parkinson's to overcome freezing of gait.

With Agilitas as your personal walking companion, you can walk with confidence through doorways, kitchens and bathrooms, shopping centres and even busy train stations.

It can restore your freedom, independence and quality of life.

By using Agilitas you can reduce and eliminate the need for a cane, walker or wheelchair. You can lessen your reliance on carers, and be more confident that you will be able to quickly manage a freeze at home or in public.

It can also decrease the chance of freeze-related injuries from falls.

Agilitas is a visual cueing device which is automatic, discreet and tailored for individual users.

A wearable motion-sensing device, Agilitas uses a unique algorithm to automatically detect when the wearer starts to freeze. The device then shines a red laser dot onto the ground, which provides a visual cue to the brain to break the freeze and allow the wearer to continue walking.

Patient tests held in Queensland, Australia, have shown visual cueing is a highly effective method of increasing the mobility of patients of Parkinsons Disease during freeze of gait episodes.
